Friday 29 April 2011

The demon in my dreams.

Well, I've met this one before, a while ago, and couldn't do a damn thing about them.
Last night that thing returned, sitting in the body of a young woman, glowing gold like the flashy bugger it was.
It was always a tough one as it would disappear into the walls whenever I had a decent shot. Last night I had a chance. A young man I shall call Yorgen, a goth at heart and misguided occultist, aided me in banishing this being that had taken his girlfriend and made her into the epitome of a drug addict.
At first he was nervous of me. I don't blame him really as I just walked into his room, sat down and said "If you know as much as you say you do then you'll who I am."
He shook his head but his eyes said he did. He looked tired, and as his girlfriend entered I realised why.

I don't know whether Yorgen is real, a figment of my imagination, an aspect of my psyche, or another being but he aided me in banishing a demon that had evaded me for a while.
I'm exhausted this morning but at least it is for a good reason.   

Monday 18 April 2011


It's one of those "white witch" staples. We all wish we could do it. And honestly we all can though don't expect some wolverine style super healing, or curing cancer.
All pagans should know a little bit of herbalism.
Tea tree oil and lavender oil to treat grazes, wounds (small) and skin conditions.
Honey and lemon to treat a sore throat.
Ginger and peppermint to treat a bad stomach.
Olive oil to help treat dry skin, especially on the scalp.
Salt to treat wounds and infections in the mouth, also good for soaking wounds anywhere else on the body.
Evening primrose oil to help joints and skin conditions.
Saint Johns wort for easing mild depression.
Lemon oil for killing airborne viruses.
The list is long and helpful and does fall under healing. But remember your doctors are there for a reason, herbalism is for colds not for broken limbs.

There is also the second for of healing. Energy healing. This includes the use of crystals and energy movement as aids to healing. I find these are more effective on emotional and spiritual conditions than physical. Those these can aid in easing light neuralgia.
Information on crystal healing is widely available these days so I'm not going to cover this so much today.  I will go into energy movement though.

Every being produces energy, turning food into heat and movement, it's all energy. Every sound vibration, every step we take, is all the transformation of one sort of energy into another. With enough practice we can start to recognise the flow of these energies. No, this doesn't mean you'll be able to jump tall buildings or push over trucks, but it does mean we can move negative energy out of our bodies.
Bodies are fragile things and can be knocked off balance easily. In energy healing we pull everything back to where it should be. If my arm hurts for no real reason I would identify the energy inside the electrical signals telling my brain my arm should hurt and move it away. It's not easy but it is helpful.
And this can be transferred to any pain or mild melancholy.
You can also put energy into spiritual wounds. Healing the effects of a psychic attack of example.

Well, I hope this has been helpful to you.

Thursday 14 April 2011

Psychic attacks: How, why and what to do afterwards.

90% of you out there will never have to deal with this. But it's still good to know how to deal with them.
These attacks can be sent by people, spirits or something darker, either way they are not fun.
They can simply sap you of energy, make you feel ill or even feel like a real wound. The last time this happened to me it felt as if I'd been shot in the arm. In no way fun, I can tell you now.
You can defend against these in the usual way but if they do get through there are a few things you can do.
  • Get somewhere safe like your home.
  • Rest.
  • Have a high energy food and lots of water.
  • Bathe and purify where you've been hit. 
  • Try and concentrate on healing.
  • Sleep.
After this all you can do is wait. Hopefully you will never have to deal with this, but if so I hope my advice will help.

Monday 11 April 2011

Gates of many types...

PhotobucketMen create gates. I'm not talking about garden gates, I'm talking about gates from one spiritual plane to another. We walk through them every day without even realising it and most of the time it will have no effect, you'll barely even notice, but if you stay for longer, just two or three minutes you'll start to feel it. It won't be much you'll just start to feel out of place. As if you're seeing the place from a whole new perspective.
It's an odd sensation that will have no negative effects necessarily, unless you're particularly sensitive to that sort of thing.

PhotobucketThese can be gates between the living world and the world beyond. They can be void spaces, spaces that exist simply as gaps between worlds, or active spaces. As humans we can't really use these gates for anything, simply knowing they exist is a stretch, but as we all know, knowledge is power.


Tuesday 5 April 2011

The rules

There are rules of the universe. Things that cannot be changed. And sometimes it sucks.
We see things we cannot change and simply have to wait for them. Even if they're catastrophic.
In short, the rules are crap sometimes.